Linked here is a "pass through" communication, an invitation to you from CAN TV to attend its open house on Thursday November 10th and help celebrate the first year of its facilitation of community media at the awesome new, permanent digs it has constructed in the U of I medical district. Come to this free event and thank both executive director Barbara Popovic, who is stepping down at the end of the year after many years at the helm, and the staff for the incredible service and leadership they have provided as CAN TV looks toward the future.
Gazing forward, CMA is asking media activists to come to the open house with the following question:
Are a license for an FM community radio station that is also on channel 42 and streamed online 24/7, paid & volunteer multi-media multi-platform independent journalism, more arts and cultural programming, additional education for media consumers, & more, included in the trusted community media stalwart CAN TV's future?
You must make your support, needs, and ideas heard if you want Chicago's burgeoning community media funding to expand in these ways. Find out more about these proposals -- Register to attend the November 10th CAN TV open house. And share this email and CAN TV's invitation with your friends! See you there, along with representatives of WGHC-LPFM 98.3, Medill School of Journalism instructors, and others!
Who said it is impossible to respond to the anti-democratic monocultural consequences of billion dollar corporate media and oligarchy?
>>>Read CAN TV multi-use expansion proposal - 1 page summary for more info.
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This is a communication from Chicago Media Action, a Chicago activist group devoted to media issues. | | @ChiMediaAction
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