Media Democracy Day Chicago 2009 - Saturday Nov. 7th

Posted by Scott - October 31, 2009 (entry 630)

Media Democracy Day handbill The Metro Chicago Progressive Media Network
2009 Media Democracy Day -- Chicago, 2009
Saturday afternoon, Nov. 7, 2009, 1pm-4pm

Grace Place, 637 S. Dearborn, Chicago
$10 general admission / $5 seniors, students,
low income / or whatever you can afford
Facebook: Media Democracy Day Chicago

A day of action based on three themes:
Education - understanding how the media shapes our world and our democracy
Protest - against a media system based on commercialization and exclusiveness
Change - calls for media reforms that respond to public interests, promote diversity, and ensure community representation and accountability.

In your emailings and other promotion of this event, please include links to the event's web site and to the detailed graphical flyer here

update, Oct. 30, noon (with organizational affiliations for identification):

Veronica Arreola, educator, blogger (; Mike Barr, documentary filmmaker; Joel Bleifuss, Editor, In These Times; Karen Bond, National Black Coalition for Media Justice; Larry Duncan, Labor Beat; Jeannette Foreman, Youth Media Justice Project; Kevin Gozstola, documentary filmmaker, Columbia College student; Robert Koehler, syndicated columnist; Kevin O'Donnell, SEIU Local 1; Mitchell Szczepanczyk, Chicago Media Action; Tim Wais, HumanThread; Harvey Wells, Vice President, WCPT820 AM; Antonio Zavala, freelance journalist.

update, Oct. 30, noon:

Metropolitan Chicago Progressive Media Network; Chicago Against War and Injustice; Chicago Digital Access Alliance (CDAA); Chicagoland E-Democracy Initiative; Chicago Media Action; Chicago Net Tuesday Meetup Group; Community Media Workshop; College of Complexes Henry George School of Social Sciences HumanThread; Illinois Ballot Integrity Project; Illinois Community Technology Coalition (ILCTC); Illinois Green Party; International Socialist Review (NFP); In These Times; Near West Citizens for Peace and Justice; Nicaragua Solidarity; North Shore Coalition for Peace, Justice and the Environment; Progressive Democrats of America (Chicago); Resources Unlimited Hey Neighbor Project; WCPT820 AM; World Can't Wait - Chicago;

[List still in formation; contact to co-sponsor, no cost or for more info]

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