In Memoriam: Beauty Turner

Posted by Mitchell - December 19, 2008 (entry 618)

Today, we have lost a major Chicago journalist, political activist, and all-around great person. Beauty Turner was noted for her writing for a host of Chicago community the Residents' Journal, the South Street Journal, and the Hyde Park Herald. In particular, Beauty worked on issues particular to Chicago's public housing community, including police brutality and the rights of the poor. Beauty was the epitome of using the media as a tool for positive social change -- work that resonates with the mission of Chicago Media Action.

CMA was fortunate to collaborate with Beauty. She was a panelist on our forum "Coverage of the Inner City and the Urban Poor: The Media and Urban Issues" held October 2006. The full audio of the forum is online in MP3 format here:

Beauty suffered a stroke earlier this week which put her in a coma, and unfortunately the news broke that Beauty Turner passed away this afternoon. She was 51 years old.

Details of wake and funeral arrangements are pending.

Here are some links to Beauty's life and work:

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