Better Late Than Never: Local Radio / Podcast Edition

Posted by Mitchell - October 26, 2008 (entry 612)

In this post, we compile a number of CMA-related radio or audio-related links of recent (or relatively recent) vintage.

ITEM: At the beginning of October 2008, the staff behind the excellent journal Flow TV at the University of Texas convened a conference of critical perspectives. There was a panel on the high-power digital television conversion in the United States which CMA was asked to convene, so we did. The full audio of the panel is now available online here in MP3 format divided into half-hour chunks: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4

ITEM: Mediageek, the excellent "weekly half-hour [radio] look at important news and issues in grassroots and independent media, along with a critical examination of our media environment", had aired in Champaign downstate, but has now moved to the Chicago area with a broadcast out of WNUR. Northside Chicagoans can hear Mediageek Thursdays starting at 9pm Chicago time. In fact, CMA folks have already been interviewed in the new Chicago-format Mediageek, and you can hear interviews from last week's episodes here and here.

ITEM: The Chicago-based independent publishing and distribution project Fall of Autumn, longtime friends of CMA and independent media, has a podcast of their own, which we were asked to contribute to and graciously agreed to do.

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