Some Actions and Media for the Holidays

Posted by Mitchell - December 21, 2007 (entry 590)

Since the FCC voted to rescind cross-ownership, petitions by both Free Press and have been making the rounds. What's more, actions is now afoot now in the House (HR 4835) as well as the Senate (S 2332). If you want to vent your outrage, be sure to sign up, and while you're at it, get 50 of your friends to do the same.

Also, the Tribune decided to chime in on the issue, after giving it oh so much advance coverage. To their credit, the Tribune (a) acknowledged their conflict-of-interest, and (b) posted their op-ed in a commentable online form. So, be sure to comment. (All the comments thus far have taken the Tribune to task. Let's keep this streak going.)

And finally: Amidst all this activity, CMA was honored as the first contributor to the "We Are Many" monthly series at the New World Resource Center. The complete audio of the event -- more than 90 minutes' worth -- is online here.

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