Labor Rally
In Support Of Working Families At ABC-TV
*Wednesday, August 15, 2007*
*12:30pm - 1:30pm*
*WLS-TV Channel 7*
*190 North State Street * Chicago, IL*
The Technicians and Newswriters, represented by NABET-CWA [the National Association of Broadcast Employees and Technicians / Communications Workers of America], who bring you the ABC-7 News have worked without a contract for the past 4 months as a result of Disney/ABC Management's aggressive anti-worker stance during these negotiations. The Company's plan would:
* Stonewall efforts by the Union to participate in new work opportunities and emerging technologies.
* Freeze the healthy pension plan established for these workers.
* Dismantle the seniority/layoff system so that Disney/ABC can perform "laser surgery" on its workforce.
* Cutback existing overtime pay entitlements.
* Reduce existing Union work jurisdiction.
Please join us and let Disney/ABC-7 know that Chicago Labor won't stand for union-busting in the broadcast and entertainment industries!
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