More FCC-related developments before the end of 2006

Posted by Mitchell - December 18, 2006 (entry 501)

(1) The Alliance for Community Media is pulling all the stops to prevent the FCC from utterly gutting community media outlets in the United Statees. Since all avenues to feed more comments the FCC have been exhausted, the ACM is calling for comments into Congress. Here's a quick-and-easy form you can use now to help.

(2) Speaking of the FCC, you may recall that way back in November 2005, CMA and Third Coast Press each filed petitions-to-deny against a number of Chicago-area TV stations. Well, one of the petitions -- the one by Third Coast Press -- has been officially rejected by the FCC. More details to come.

(3) The FCC will announce a window to open for high-powered radio broadcasting licenses (for educational purposes) in the United States. Coalition efforts to make sure that such stations actually get won by some of us, rather than monopolized by godcasters, are underway. This is a rare opportunity to win some spectrum, if not necessarily in Chicago, then elsewhere in the United States.

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