ITEM: There's going to be a rally at the Michigan state capitol in Lansing tomorrow to try to offset an attempt by telcos at the state legislature. Hey, maybe they can get John Dingell to take part. I hear he's been increasingly miffed at the telcos.
How does this connect to Chicago? Since the telcos got defeated at the federal level with their attempt to ram through their dismal legislation, the telcos have been eyeing state legislatures to ram through their dismal laws (kind of like a certain other legislative battle two years ago) and guess where the telcos are looking next?
ITEM: This isn't terribly relevant to Chicago, but since the CMA website gets about 400 unique visitors each day from around the world, this website could prove helpful to others outside of Chicago, and particularly in rural areas, who are looking to start their own high-power community radio station. (Can't really happen in Chicago, unfortunately; the spectrum here is just too saturated.)
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