Public Hearings announced for Mayor's Advisory Council on Closing Digital Divide

Posted by unknown - August 23, 2006 (entry 479)

On behalf of Alderman Margaret Laurino, Chairman of the Chicago City Council Committee on Economic, Capital and Technology Development and a member of the Mayor's Advisory Council on Closing the Digital Divide I am transmitting the schedule for public hearings to be conducted by the Mayor's Advisory Council on Closing the Digital Divide.

Please note that testimony will be taken on a first come first served basis and that within the announcement is both an address and an email address where written comments can be mailed or emailed.

I will cut and paste an English and Spanish version of the flier as these listservs understandably don't accept attachments. Word documents of the fliers will be sent to several individuals including Mike Miranda who can post them on the website.

Thank you for your continued interest in and enthusiasm for the Community Wireless Network Project.

English Version:

Mayor Daley's Advisory Council on Closing the Digital Divide

Invites you to participate in public hearings on

Affordable Internet Access for All Chicagoans

Mayor Richard M. Daley announced a plan on May 30, 2006, to begin to close the digital divide by providing more affordable Internet service to all Chicagoans. Mayor Daley's Advisory Council on Closing the Digital Divide seeks your input on how more affordable access to technology would help you, your family, your neighborhood and your business.

Oral and written testimony from the public will be accepted by the Advisory Council at the following public hearings:

SEPTEMBER 13, 2006 Woodson Regional Library 9525 S. Halsted St. 6:00-9:00PM

SEPTEMBER 14, 2006 Sulzer Regional Library 4455 N. Lincoln Ave. 6:00-9:00 PM

SEPTEMBER 20, 2006 Harold Washington Library Center 400 S. State, Lower Level, Multipurpose Room Noon-3:00 PM

SEPTEMBER 21, 2006 West Chicago Avenue Branch Library 4856 W. Chicago Ave. 6:00-9:00 PM

Additional comments can also be submitted to the Advisory Council through September 30, 2006:

* via email at;
* or in writing to Office of the Mayor, City Hall, 121 N. LaSalle, Room 507, Chicago, IL 60602.
Accessible to the mobility impaired. Interpreters for the hearing impaired and Spanish speaking.

If you have any questions, please call the City at 311.

Spanish Version:

El Concilio Asesor del Alcalde Richard M. Daley Para Eliminar La "Separaci?n Digital"

Le invita a participar en las audiencias p?blicas sobre

Acceso Econ?mico a la Internet Para Todos los Residentes de Chicago

El alcalde Richard M. Daley anunci? un plan el 30 de mayo de 2006, para eliminar la divisi?n causada por la tecnolog?a digital proporcionando un servicio m?s econ?mico de Internet para todos los residentes de Chicago. El Concilio Asesor del Alcalde Richard M. Daley para Eliminar la "Separaci?n digital" solicita su opini?n sobre como un acceso m?s econ?mico a la tecnolog?a podr?a ayudarle a usted, su familia, su vecindario y su negocio.

Testimonios orales y escritos del p?blico ser?n aceptados por el Concilio Asesor en las siguientes audiencias p?blicas:

SEPTEMBER 13, 2006 Woodson Regional Library 9525 S. Halsted St. 6:00-9:00PM

SEPTEMBER 14, 2006 Sulzer Regional Library 4455 N. Lincoln Ave. 6:00-9:00 PM

SEPTEMBER 20, 2006 Harold Washington Library Center 400 S. State, Lower Level, Multipurpose Room Noon-3:00 PM

SEPTEMBER 21, 2006 West Chicago Avenue Branch Library 4856 W. Chicago Ave. 6:00-9:00 PM

Comentarios adicionales ser?n aceptados por el Concilio Asesor hasta el 30 de septiembre de 2006:

* V?a correo electr?nico al;

* O por escrito a la Oficina del Alcalde, City Hall, 121 N. LaSalle, Room 507,Chicago, IL 60602.

Accesible para los residentes inv?lidos. Int?rpretes para los residentes sordos y de habla hispana.

Si usted tiene cualquier pregunta, por favor llame al 311.

Best regards,

Michael J. Paulos
Legislative and Policy Analyst to
Alderman Margaret Laurino (39th Ward)
Chairman of the Committee on Economic,
Capital and Technology Development
phone: 312-744-7242
fax: 312-744-0717

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