We welcome those of you who learned from the media coverage in Chicago and nationally involving the National Day of Out(r)age against telecom companies and their lousy policies.
More details and coverage of the event will be posted here in the days and weeks to come.
We invite you to explore the website and learn more about CMA and its work. Please let us know if you have any questions or would like to get involved.
Coverage of Chicago media action: CMA dispatch of May 24 Chicago action | Gapers Block | Another CMA account, with photos | Free Press' Media Minutes report from May 26, 2006 | Video from "Outside the Box" -- May 25, 2006 | More photos from May 24 | Chicago Daily Herald
Coverage of other May 24 actions: Protest the Telcos! in NYC | News.com | Multichannel News | Democracy Now!: 1 | 2 | 3 | Wired.com: San Francisco protests | Media Policy Blog | Andy Carvin | Media Alliance: San Francisco | Boners: AT&T Culturejam
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Action who authored them, and not necessarily those of the entire
membership of Chicago Media Action, nor of Chicago Media Action
as an organization.
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