by Mitchell Szczepanczyk
Blogs have gained a growing cultural
and political impact in the United States and worldwide. In the United
States, they’ve been credited with playing a key role the resignation of a
U.S. Senate Majority Leader and the public repudiation of a longtime TV
news anchor. Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of the English language deemed
“blog” its word of the year in 2004. The Technorati website boasts that it
keeps track of some 28 million blogs worldwide.
Undeniably, blogs
and their collective identity known as the “blogosphere” have become an
extraordinary phenomenon. And no matter what topics they may discuss or
what political leanings they may espouse, they are all under grave and
immediate threat.
The threat involves the issue of “net
neutrality” – the idea that those who manage the virtual roads for
internet and digital communications don’t discriminate who travels on
those roads and why. But America’s major cable and telecommunications
companies, are heavily lobbying Congress now to change that.
Companies like AT&T, Verizon, and Comcast want to abolish net
neutrality and set up the virtual equivalent of tolls on the internet. The
idea would be to set up separate tiers of internet access – the digital
equivalent of a ten-lane superhighway alongside a single-lane dirt road.
If you want to access the superhighway, you’d have to pay AT&T or
whomever extra fees through a virtual “toll” for that access – a source of
fantastic profit potential for the would-be tollkeepers on the internet.
But those who can’t afford the superhighway can still take the dirt road,
Here’s the problem for bloggers and other alternative and
independent media
producers who distribute media via the
internet: Those who can’t afford that privileged access will far outnumber
those who can, and the result would be, as Ben Scott from the media activist
organization Free Press put it, to “banish hundreds of thousands of
bloggers to the slow lane”.
As a result, that digital dirt road
will be endlessly clogged and more than likely face considerable delays to
try to access media
content on the internet. And that access isn’t just simple webpages but
also other media
like television and radio which are becoming and will become digitized and
thus rely on the internet as the major means of transit.
This will
then lead to a Catch-22 for bloggers. Either pay the telecom companies
hefty ongoing fees which you may or may not afford, or face the digital
equivalent of a black hole where you can’t easily or readily access
independent media
content. Either way, the abolition of net neutrality will dissuade a great
many online media
producers and consumers, thereby striking an effective death blow to the
blogosphere and the variety and diversity currently on the internet. The
advantage would thus go to already wealthy and entrenched media producers.
In the federal government in Washington, the main legislation
concerning the media in the United
States -- the Telecommunications Act -- is being rewritten, and the fate
of net neutrality (and perhaps the future of the internet) rests in the
balance. Unfortunately, Net neutrality clauses have been struck out of the
most recent draft of the Telecom Act.
Now the blogosphere may face
its greatest challenge: saving itself.
Fortunately, there are
recent media-related
victories that can be drawn upon for inspiration. In 2003, activists
across the political spectrum joined in widespread protest and outrage
against the FCC as it tried to implement a series of controversial media ownership rules.
That response fueled a successful emergency court order and subsequent
lawsuit which rolled back the rules for the time being.
When the
dust settled, some three million people responded to the FCC against its
controversial rules – a response unprecedented in the FCC’s history. The
same or larger scale of response to Congress will be needed to preserve
net neutrality. And the blogosphere, with its millions of active folks
online, hold that very potential to rally widespread awareness of net
neutrality and keep the internet free.
If you have a blog or
independent media
website, consider learning more about net neutrality, discussing it on
your website, linking to some of the net neutrality campaigns already
underway like Net Freedom Now by Free Press ( or Protect
Net Neutrality by Common Cause (, and
contact your representatives in Congress to encourage them to preserve net
neutrality. One group I work with, Chicago Media Action, has made
available a series of net neutrality banner ads to use on your website to
promote the issue, online at CMA’s website (
The blogosphere has been rewriting the internet. Whether it will
continue to do so depends on whether or not it steps up to help preserve
net neutrality.
DISCLAIMER: The opinions expressed on this
website are those of the individual members of Chicago Media
Action who authored them, and not necessarily those of the entire
membership of Chicago Media Action, nor of Chicago Media Action
as an organization.
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