IL Governor Blagojevich creates Broadband Deployment Council to ensure all Illinois residents have access to the Internet

Posted by Mitchell - September 6, 2005 (entry 356)


September 6, 2005
Cheryle Jackson 312/814.3158
Abby Ottenhoff 312/814.3158
Gerardo Cardenas 312/814.3158
Rebecca Rausch 217/782.7355
Vivika Vergara (Lt. Gov) 312/814.4220

Governor Blagojevich creates Broadband Deployment Council to ensure all Illinois residents have access to the Internet

Governor issues Executive Order to bridge the state's digital divide

SPRINGFIELD - Under Executive Order, Governor Rod R. Blagojevich today announced the creation of the Broadband Deployment Council to improve high-speed Internet access for all Illinois residents. According to a 2004 Pew Research report, only 10-percent of rural Americans have high-speed Internet access in their homes, about one-third the rate of non-rural Americans.

"In today's society, the internet plays a role in just about every aspect our lives - from education, to communication, to business development. Expanding access to the Internet goes hand in hand with our efforts to improve opportunities for families and businesses throughout Illinois," said Gov. Blagojevich.

Expanding access to critical technology and its related benefits has been a priority of the Blagojevich administration. The Executive order comes as the latest action in a widespread effort to bring technology into the heart of Illinois communities. Other key efforts include the grassroots program known as Eliminate the Digital Divide. The Eliminate the Digital Divide program provides funding to local community technology centers in low-income communities to provide technology skills training and access to computers and the Internet. Since technology literacy today is a necessity to competing for and succeeding in well-paying jobs, this program teaches essential skills to people whom often lack access to important educational opportunities that will help prepare them for a 21st Century job.

Lt. Governor Pat Quinn will serve as Chairman of the Broadband Deployment Council. As Lt. Governor, Quinn has worked to help bridge the digital divide through various Governor's Rural Affairs Council initiatives, and most recently, by providing two $20,000 Wireless Main Street grants to the communities of Mt. Vernon and Quincy.

"Technology is crucial to every community throughout the state," Quinn said. "It improves public safety, education and improves economic development. Illinois cannot afford to leave any community or neighborhood behind when it comes to connecting businesses and citizens to the Internet."

The state of Illinois has historically been a leader in computer technology and applications, including University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign's role in the development of the Internet and the World Wide Web.

The Broadband Deployment Council will also look for innovative ways for state agencies to work together to encourage and help coordinate the spread of universal, competitive and affordable telecommunications services.

Representatives from eight state agencies dealing with commerce, transportation, finance and economic development will join Quinn on the council. Two education boards will also be represented.

In addition, Governor Blagojevich is appointing 16 individuals who will provide consumer and business perspectives from both underserved urban areas, as well as rural communities. The 16 individuals include:

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