Radio news: Clear Channel and Air America

Posted by Mitchell - May 2, 2005 (entry 303)

Good news: The behemoth called Clear Channel has announced a serious nose-dive in its stock value (59%). And as a result, CCC is seriously considering relinquishing up its properties.

Other news: I heard over the weekend that Air America will soon be broadcasting in the Chicago area. Evidently, I'm told that Robert Feder in the Sun-Times wrote about it this past week but there's no details online from this past week. Feder himself alluded to WAIT-AM (850) as a forthcoming home in a column published on March 31, 2005, but no details regarding a timetable.

Update: It's confirmed. Air America is coming back on May 5, 2005, on AM 850, recast as WCPT. Apparent right-wing sympathizer Eric Zorn heaps poo on the idea. (Gosh, maybe he should listen to This Is Hell for some real left radio in Chicago.)

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