Sample letter for legislators regarding the 2005 Illinois Telecommunications Act

Posted by Mitchell - February 21, 2005 (entry 282)

Dear [name]

During this spring's legislative session, the Illinois General Assembly will consider changes to Illinois' Telecommunications Act, decisions that will affect the price and quality of telecommunications for many years to come.

As you delve into this very complex and crucial issue, the needs of Illinois consumers for access to affordable, high quality, competitive telecommunications services must be at the forefront of the debate.

We hope you will pursue the following goals when considering changes to the Telecommunications Act:

* Maintain the state's role in guaranteeing access to affordable telecommunications services.
* Preserve and strengthen consumer protections in the current law.
* Establish truth in marketing standards.
* Enact a cell phone bill of rights.
* Continue funding to eliminate the digital divide.
* Preserve and expand municipal broadband options.
* Remove barriers to customer choice.

Adopting these principles, will ensure that Illinois' telecommunications system works for all - from the senior citizens who just want affordable local calling to the technology savvy young people who want all the latest bells and whistles. Getting this issue right is critical for Illinois' future. We hope we can count on your support.

We would also ask that local public hearings be provided on the topic so that you can hear from any Illinoisan impacted by the rewrite. Residents from mouse challenged to computer savvy, kids to senior citizens, recent immigrants to long time residents of the state, all should have their voices heard.

Thank you for your consideration of this request.


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