Re-reclaim the FCC?

Posted by Mitchell - March 29, 2004 (entry 163)

In 2003, there were coordinated national protests around the FCC, both in the infamous June 2 ruling on media ownership, plus in the September 4 protests which saw the rules get stayed by an emergency court order.

There could be more in store for 2004. I'm hoping to work on efforts related to the ruling in Philadelphia. When the ruling comes down (sometime this year, probably spring or so), we hold rallies around the country. If the ruling is in our favor (the FCC's rules are struck down), we celebrate; if not, we protest. If anyone's interested in organizing continuing efforts for organizing a series of public rallies (either protests or celebrations), contact CMA.

In other good news, I'm told that there are efforts to create a New York City "equivalent" of Chicago Media Action. The group is called Media Action of New York (with the cute acronym "MANY"). This comes in addition to Boston Media Action and Pittsburgh Media Action.

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