Today's Sign of the Apocalypse

Posted by Mitchell - March 6, 2004 (entry 156)

I'm told that someone is pitching a dramatic TV series (a la The West Wing) based on the inner workings of the Department of Homeland Security. (Hey, Hollywood! I've got a great idea for a TV series pitch; it's set in Chicago, and involves one plucky media activist groups's fight against the media giants of our time!) What's said is that one of the networks will probably pick it up. Someone should start a betting pool about how much appeals to 9/11 will be invoked in the opening credits.

Bush Backs New Terrorism TV Series
by Jeffrey Jolson-Colburn, E! News, 2/26/04
George W. Bush is apparently giving the White House seal of approval to a television series, D.H.S.--The Series, a drama about the Department of Home Security being introduced Thursday night to prospective networks at an Industry gathering. President Bush and Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge both "endorse and contribute sound bites to the introductions of the series," according to the show's producers. Though the series' theme relates to the President's agenda on national security and international terrorism, it is virtually unprecedented for the White House to endorse such a fictional representation.

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