To inaugurate the blog, I would like to quote from an article I found by a gentleman about the media and cultural literacy, especially regarding a certain segment on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno:
There's a reason why lots of Americans are dumb. It's because they have watched dumb TV shows like his [Jay Leno's] all their lives instead of reading, or thinking, or considering that they are actually a part of the world they know so little about, and that they are poorer for their flippant guesses [on Jay's person-on-the-street segment known as "Jaywalking"].How dare NBC, after all the witless and manipulative nonsense it has palmed off on the public over the last 50 years, camped out on airwaves that belong to the citizenry and that Congress has merely granted them a license, allowing them to make billions off the public largesse, after all the commercials, and laugh-tracks, and quiz shows, and news soundbites, after all the bias and pandering and mediocrity ...
How dare they make fun of us, when they made us this way?
(For the full article, click here.)
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