Chicago Media Action is on CAN-TV (Chicago-area cable). Join Chicago Media Action members Mitchell Szczepanczyk and Ron Kunde on CAN-TV's Community Forum as they discuss the following media-related topics:
No episodes are currently scheduled.
Mitchell and Ron have appeared on previous episodes of Community Forum. Here is the list of previous shows and topics:
U.S. Media EnvironmentSome of these episodes also reair on CAN-TV on occasion.
Sunday, January 4, 4:30pm, CAN-TV Channel 21FCC: Past, Present, Future
Sunday, January 11, 8:30pm, CAN-TV Channel 21Media and War in Iraq
Sunday, February 16, 6:00pm, CAN-TV Channel 19Violence and the Media
Saturday, March 1, 8:30pm, CAN-TV Channel 21
Hey you! Chicago Media Action is asking for suggestions on possible (preferably media-related) topics for future Community Forum appearances. We are also asking for suggestions on possible guests or participants to get more involved in helping to create Community Forum episodes (either with us or on your own). If you have a suggestion or idea for a topic or participant, or wish to participate, send email to