CHICAGO MEDIA ACTION ALERT: March 10, 2005 * A reminder: THIS MONDAY, March 14, from 4;30pm to 6:30pm, CMA will be leading efforts to distribute flyers in front of the Chicago Fox News affiliate (205 N. Michigan Avenue, Chicago, just north of Milliennium Park). This effort is part of citywide antiwar efforts leading up to the main protests on March 19, and Fox has been among the worst media in promoting a jingoistic pro-war agenda; we hope you can join us. * There are some breaking developments with the future of telecommunications in Illinois: (1) Citizens Utility Board, the venerable consumer protection lobby working on Illinois utilities, has assembled an online action website for Illinois citizens to fax and email their elected officials quickly on the dreadful amendment to the Illinois Telecommunications Act: (2) Amid the struggle going on now in Springfield, Chicago officials have taken steps to organize a wireless network across the city: (3) Common Cause of Illinois is helping organize a series of house parties/organizing salons across the state about the Illinois Telecommunications Act: * PBS dropped an epidode of the children's show "Postcards from Buster" that briefly included reference to families with lesbian parents. Incoming Department of Education Secretary Margaret Spellings threatened a funding cutoff for the series. This government action influenced PBS President Pat Mitchell to pull the "Buster" episode from the PBS national feed. If PBS's cave-in bothers you also, you can take part in a "Virtual Rally on Washington, D.C." on March 10, 2005 organized by the Family Pride Coalition: *** *** *** *** *** *** *** This is an email from Chicago Media Action, a Chicago activist group devoted to media issues. Chicago Media Action, P.O. Box 14140, Chicago IL 60614-0140 Call toll-free: 1-866-260-7198 Web: E-mail: To unsubscribe from this mailing list, simply send an email requesting removal to