Callout to protect journalists and whistleblowers

Posted by Mitchell - July 5, 2005 (entry 326)

I keep thinking the Valerie Plame scandal and the erosion of journalistic confidentiality enmeshed in it is a big ugly Catch-22: Either the integrity of anonymous sources is maintained and whoever leaked Plame's name gets away. Or the leak and the degree of journalistic confidentiality both get nailed. And can someone please explain why Robert Novak is as free as a jaybird amid all this?

Still, even though it looks like Karl Rove may well face forthcoming federal charges (wanna bet he'll probably get a presidential pardon in 2009?), a scary precedent has been set. The good news is that federal legislation is afoot to help provide a measure of protection for journalists. Free Press and the Newspaper Guild have raised calls to action. The Guild is even organizing a series of national rallies; no details just yet as to whether the Chicago Newspaper Guild has anything planned.

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